Interview | Narcography

Photo by Narcography 

Photo by Narcography 

Photo by Narcography 

Photo by Narcography 

I was delighted to interview Paula Abu of Narcography. The young photographer caught my attention when I stumbled upon the first photograph online on Twitter. I was caught by its honestly, a refreshing feat in a media filled world. Read on for an interview with the photographer. 

1. When did you start taking photos and why?

  As a kid my two favourite things were music and the cinema. My family all love film so I grew up with a deep fascination for cameras and all art forms attached. I started taking abstract photos and recording things at 15 with my first iPhone for fun until my dad bought me a camera for my 18th birthday. From then I started posting random photos I took online and I just kept going from there.

2. Your portraits are incredibly inspiring. What draws you to certain subjects. How do you choose who to photograph?

 Most of the shoots I’ve done that you’ve probably seen are clients/aspiring models who have hired me to shoot for them. Sometimes I see somebody though on social media and suddenly a whole concept pops into my head from nowhere. Then I just have to message them and shoot it.

 3. What is currently inspiring you? What is inspiring your work.

Right now it’s just people and how normal we all are. Also other photographers are really a big inspiration for me. But my biggest inspiration I would always say is music.

4. Top photography accounts to follow on Twitter and Instagram.

4. @younginwithacanon

The list goes on.

5. If you could shoot any three people who would they be and why? 

Zoë Kravitz because I think we would have so much fun together & she’d be up to try anything.

Ryan Destiny because she’s so effortlessly beautiful so I think the photos would be amazing by default plus she seems really cool.

And right now I have a dope concept that I would like to shoot with Ari Fitz. 

6. What are your short term and long term goals with reference to photography. Where do you see yourself in a few years? 

In a few years I’d like to be shooting consistently for magazines as well as brand campaigns. Would love to have done a shoot with at least one of the people mentioned above and a few more on my ‘wish list’ and I hope to also be directing music videos. 

 7. What is your favourite image that you have taken to date.

The first image in this post. 

8. What are your thoughts on street style photography?

I think it’s important. It makes up a big part of what I consider to be my style.

9. What are you currently working on?

Currently working on finding a sense of direction in the industry. Hopefully a few campaigns are round the corner.

10. A great photo is...?


Kind thanks to Paula for the interview. Follow her at  @narcography .